Can’t Hurt Me - 2020
Title : Can’t Hurt Me Author(s): Goggins, David Link(s) :
Rough Notes
- This isn't about making yourself feel better, its about being better.
- Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you are done.
- Motivation is crap, this book isn't about motivating the reader. It comes and goes. When you're driven and obsessed, that's when things happen.
- You can tap to the sympathetic nervous system to work for you, negative self-talk drives this away.
- Negative self-talk will drag you down, and will keep you out of any benefits of a sympathetic response (from the sympathetic nervous system). Rather, remembering what you've been through to get to where you are now, and how it has strengthened your mindset, will help you power over obstacles.
- You need to overcome any doubt over your abilities - there is always opportunity for self-doubt, but don't let doubt in the pilot seat. Remember you have been through difficulties before and survived to fight again will shift your focus away from doubt. Mastering your thought process for this is hard.
- Physical training is really helpful to learn how to manage your thought process, since your focus is single-pointed, and the response to stress and pain is immediate.
- Push hardest when you want to quit the most, to callus your mind, similarly, do your best work when you are least motivated. This makes your mind ready for anything that comes your way.
- "So many people died never knowing what they could have been."
- The 1 second decision: When in panic mode, in 1 second, calm down, take time to be patient, regain your thought process, slow your heart rate down, relax your mind.