Health and Fitness
Rough Notes
Weight lifting
- Glute med exercises are key to note getting lower back pain.
Necessarily shouldn't be the focus - find something you like to do, e.g. a sport like badminton, or something like skipping rope.
Best training split that minimizes injury risk would be something around:
- 80% in Zone 2.
- 20% Higher intensity.
- See notes in Heal Knee Pain Skyrocket Athleticism - 2021 (kneesovertoesguy).
- See also material from Joe Hippensteel, who was mentioned in David Goggin's Can't Hurt Me.
- Twitter thread on the importance of deep squats.
Mental fitness
Some form of meditation.
Bridge Program
When starting to lift weights after a long break (i.e. ~6 months), a good program is important. Jeff Nippard's program seems helpful here.
We should always balance stimulus and recovery. Old lifting numbers do not matter now. Important to choose movements that avoid soreness (soreness does not do anything extra for hypertrophy on a comeback program). It's inevitable but should be minimized. Eliminate highly stretched position exercises like walking lunges, Romanian deadlifts. Cables and machines are your best friends, and also do compound movements with gradual loading.