Machine Learning Community
- Bernhard Schölkopf's letter retiring from co-editor-in-chief at JMLR - gives a brief overview of the history behind JMLR.
- Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa's web page on NeurIPS - Yaser was the founding program chairman of the first NeurIPS (or NIPS back then) in 1987, this post shares some history behind the conference.
- Michael J. Black's post on his first ICCV conference.
- Jounal of Machine Learning Gossop (JMLG) - The open problems probably remain open to this day.
- Bohebbian Rhapsody by Douglas Eck (University of Montreal), Bram Bakker (IDSIA, Lugano Switzerland), Freddie Mercury (Queen's University) - Like the song Finite Simple Group (of Order Two) but for machine learning.
- NIPS 2003-2008 paper submission time data.