
An emacs package for note taking, inspired by Roam Research.

Each note (also called a node) is stored as an org file. To open a node (or create one if the name does not exist) use C-c n f. If the new node coincides with the prefix of an existing node, use C-M-j (ivy-immediate-done).

To link another node to the current node, use C-c n i.



  • #TODO Find an approach for multiline equations that does not involve using double dollar signs for each line separately.


  • Probability measures are denoted by \(\mathbb{P,Q}\) etc and probability densities or mass functions are denoted by \(p, q\) etc.
  • Unnormalized densities are denoted via \(\tilde{p}\).
  • Probability measures are surrounded by parentheses.
  • Expectations are surrounded by square brackets.
  • Expectations should denote the distributions under which the expectations are taken over if multiple variables are involved. For e.g., \(\mathbb{E}_{\theta \sim p(\theta|y)}[p(\tilde{y}|\theta,y)]\).

Course notes

Title should be of the form Course Code - Name of the course (University/Institution).

Main headings are:

  • Introduction: A few words on what the course is about, for e.g. how the final scores are aggregated, relevant links to content/textbooks used etc.
  • Content: Each subheading should be named under the main topic in that lecture. For topics covering multiple lectures, content from multiple lectures should go under the same heading.
  • Assignments: Information about the problem sheets/lab assignments/final project/final exam under the relevant heading for them. For problem sheets/assignments/lab assignments the subheading should be the relevant topic, not "Worksheet 1" etc. Deadlines should be written right under the subheading when relevant.

Use #NOTE, #DOUBT, #TODO, #ASK for personal notes.


  • Add a link to code e.g. below Author(s).
  • List authors' names if there are 4 or fewer, otherwise First Author et al.


  • When writing what is said by the speaker, say "as per the speaker" etc.
  • Write personal notes in square parentheses wit #TODO, #DOUBT, #ASK etc. as necessary, with normal parentheses for what the speaker has said.

Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.6.15)