DONE Automatically index any PDFs downloaded into my paper stash.
- Method 1: Download them via the browser extension to another directory then copy them onto the personal paper stash later in bulk e.g. weekly.
DONE Work across multiple devices seamlessly.
DONE Produce a global .bib file that syncs with my emacs directory.
TODO Create separate .bib file for references cited in org-roam documents.
DONE Ability to put multiple tabs/group papers into multiple collections.
- Tags for groups whose elements will overlap e.g. Causal Discovery,
Calibration etc., and Collections for
hierarchical grouping - for now they are Reading, To read, To file, Backlog.
- Papers in the process of reading/need to be read asap are to be
filed by the Reading collection.
- After reading a paper with highlights, put it under the To file
- Make an org-roam note for papers under To file, and then put them to
the Filed collection.
- To share highlighted PDF, go to
File -> Export PDF
within the main
- After saving papers to Zotero via the browser, and saving it on the
default local directory, and then manually saving the pdf in the
personal stash, I dragged the PDFs from the personal stash to
Zotero, and this changed the name of the files in the personal stash
to Author, Date, Paper name format.
- After creating proper entries for pdf files which were not indexed
previously, these proper entries do not appear on other devices -
problem was fixed after restarting Zotero in the device where proper
entries were created.
Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.6.15)