- [I]f one accepts that interaction is the essence of social life, then…game theory provides solid microfoundations for the study of social structure and social change.
- The purpose of science is to find meaningful simplicity in the midst of disorderly complexity. - Herbert Simon.
- In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it. - Georg Cantor
- We should not speak so that it is possible for the audience to understand us, but so that it is impossible for them to misunderstand us. - Quintilian
- There is no royal road to [do science so easily] - Ilya
- If you cannot solve the proposed problem do not let this failure afflict you too much but try to find consolation with some easier success, try to solve first some related problem; then you may find courage to attack your original problem again. Do not forget that human superiority consists in going around an obstacle that cannot be overcome directly, in devising some suitable auxiliary problem when the original one appears insoluble. - George Polya
- Any idea in machine learnig must be invented three times, once in signal processing, once in physics and once in the Soviet Union. - @typedfemale on Twitter. [Source].
- There are decades where nothing happens, then there are weeks where decades happen. - Lenin
- You are never going to be who you think you want to be, until you think you are who you want to be. - Chuck Ainlay. [Source].